Friday, 1 July 2011

Gearing up for IVF round 2!

Here we go again... im getting things ready for IVF#2!

I feel I have come such a long way since I embarked on the first IVF cycle and im finally ready to start thinking about the next one. We are planning on trying again in September so have called the fertility clinic to check what the proceedure is. Some of our tests need to be redone so hubby and I went to the doctors this morning to arrange blood tests etc (a thought that hubby is particularly not happy about as he is not keen on needles). We have an appointement at the fertility clinic in August to sign consent forms etc before we go away on hoilday for a week. It should work out that we start pretty soon after our holiday and at least I will be doing a short IVF protocol so it will, hopefully, all go much quicker!

To mark the fact that I feel like a different person with a fresh outlook on things, I have treated my blog to a makeover! Hopefully, this gives it a new a positive vibe!

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