Ooops, I realise it has been a fair while since I posted anything on this blog.....naughty me!
So anyway, its all change. After finally getting my AMH (measure of remaining egg reserve) checked and finding out its absolutely fine, the consultant recommended using my eggs rather than a donor if we were going to try again. We still had to get hubbys genetics tested to see if he had a chromosome translocation but I already started to come to the conclusion that enough was enough and I really didnt want to do it anymore.
If we did another round, the pressure would have been on as we would be financing it ourselves. I would have taken more time to get fitter to give it my best chance and also needed some time to psyche myself up. All that, and then doing the cycle itself, would have taken another year of our lives and most probably ended up with us in exactly the same situation as we were already in but with a whole load of stress and another year wasted.
We discussed adoption and agreed to find out more about it. As I started to feel ok about not trying again, it felt like a physical weight had been lifted off of me, the relief was immense and it really made me realise how stressful the whole thing was.
We also got hubby's genes checked and it appears there is nothing wrong there. However, it made no difference to our decision.
So, we have made enquiries with two local authorities, been to two information evenings and are just waiting to hear back from them after sending in our expression of interest forms.
Exciting stuff!!!