Monday, 18 June 2012

Taking the plunge


As the title of the post suggests, we are just going to do it.

The consultant got back saying he wouldnt be too worried, which is slightly different to the advice given to sister in law, and that hubbys swimmers dont show any sign of issues from numbers and fertilisation reports alone. Obviously we havent had any genetic testing though.

Hubbys Dad is also a carrier of the chromosome translocation and had 6 healthy children. His parents also did not have any miscarriages so it didnt directly affect them. Though, 3 of those children have gone on to have problems conceiving but you have no way of telling whether that is a cause.

Weighing up the fact that time is also not on my side, we are just going to go ahead with it. If it really was a problem then surely the NHS wouldnt let us continue with the cycle.

So, the drugs start this evening....

Friday, 15 June 2012


OK, im terrible for updates recently!

We had our appeal accepted and were given the ok for a new cycle. I started on the pill for a month beforehand and we now start stimms on monday.

However, we have a bit of a hiccup in that my sister in law has had some genetic testing following a few failed ivf attempts and she is a carrier of a 'balanced reciprocal translocation'. Yep, that means as much to you as its does to me!! The upshot is that carriers of this chromosome swapping are at risk of their offspring having an uneven number of chromosomes leading to abnormality or miscarriage. Her parents were tested and it appears that this was passed on by her father, who is obviously hubbys father too. We have no idea what this means for us, what the actual risk is, whether hubby is a carrier and whether is affects our cycle due to start in 4 days. The clinic are looking at it for us now.

To top it off, our clinic are no longer allowed to accept NHS patients and so if we decide to cancel this one to get hubby tested then we can no longer have our NHS cycle at the clinic we have gone to for the past few years. We will have to get a new referral and go to another one and start on their waiting lists. This could take many months in total and I am bearing in mind the advice not to wait too long as egg quality wont improve, the stress of waiting, the stress of going to a new clinic etc etc. He may not even be a carrier and if he is, his dad was and had 6 healthy children. Though three have had trouble conceiving but you dont know if that is the reason for it, there could be all sorts of reasons.

And I was trying not to get bogged down with this cycle and tryinf to forget its even happening, so much for that approach. Hopefully, we can sort it out quickly and move on.