Yesterday the embryologist called and 3 embryos were continuing to grow so transfer was booked in for today. When we arrived today they said that they have been around average quality all the way along but that one had been discounted this morning as it wasnt looking too good. The embryologist said that when he looked at them this morning he was not so sure about them but when he just took another look one of them wasnt looking so bad and was now a bit more promising.
He said he was thinking about putting two back (the PCT only allow women under 37 having a funded cycle to have one transferred regardless of how many attempts that have - I am 32) and the consultant agreed. I took this to mean that my chances werent good as he said they only do this in exceptional circumstances. However, I was encouraged by him saying that the good one looked better than first thing this morning. That gives me little bit of hope but I never even contemplated walking away from the clinic today with two embryos!
The second surprise, though that makes it sound like a good thing, was that the transfer was really traumatic. The hole in my cervix was really tight and they had trouble getting the catheter in. This meant it was really painful as they had to put something in to expand it first before they could transfer the embryos. I couldnt help but cry and couldnt look at the screen when they showed us the embryos as I was just trying to breath!.
I never expected this to be a problem as last time it was fine. I was more worried last time as I knew they had issues when doing my HSG (see here for post) but the consultant did a mock transfer during egg collection and it was fine.
Anyway, enough of the negative. Im now looking after them for as long as possible and trying to keep positive for the next few weeks.